It is the story of the meeting of two converging elements: two lines, two planes or two edges.

It introduces a discussion about specific points or areas on different scales.

From the coming together of two walls, like the corners in Behrens's Turbinenhalle or Kahn's Richards Medical Center, to the creation of memorable dynamic forms, like Banham's Flatiron Building or Perret's Immeuble d'habitation, to the grids forming the cities, modelling Manhattan or San Fransisco, without ever forgetting the symbolism the topic implies: corners as a trigger for unexpected or special moments, like the ones happening in van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion or van Eyclc's Orphanage.

It is about the multitude of layers a simple element like a corner can open up.

Published in September 2016


Adrien Comte, David Escudero, Maud Faivre, Priska Fechter, Isabelle Fehlmann, Lukas Fink, Job Floris, Christian Gilot, Gregory Grämiger, Hubert Holewik, Sara Impera, Yoichi Iwamoto, Tatiana Kulminska, Christiane Lange, Alex Lehnerer, Nicholas Lobo Brennan, Mauro Marinelli, Christopher Metz, Adrien Meuwly, Hannes Oswald, Alexis Pazoumian, Christina Raabe, Micha Ringger, Astrid Smitham, Gianmaria Socci, Sebastian Stich, Luka Travas, Anastasia Vaynberg, Franziska Wittmann, Tobias Wootton, Chao Wu

Editorial Team

Larissa Müllner, Amelie Nguyen, Hanna Schlösser, Claartje Vuurmans

Table of content

The poetics of the fragile corner

Sculpture éphémère

On the edge of reason

Every other freckle

Wohnen im Aufeinandertreffen von Physik und Physiologie

Eckige Schnecke

quite precise, yet not measurable

Architektur der Bewegung

From a different angle : three Japanese houses

Fauboug Treme

Resolve collide resolve

Fünf Szenen zur Strassenecke

La construction du sol

The urban shim phenomenon

Projekt als Argument

other modern

Dirty corner

Fünf Ecken

Angle de vue : Jean Prouvé's demountable houses

At the corners of the Italian "dopoguerra"
