trans 44 is about narrated realities, knowledge logistics, about ghosts and angels, and how the unconscious shapes our built environment. Together with the contributors and interviewees we were able to understand some of the many ways lore acts as an agent around us.
Departing from family lore, EUROMONSTER BLOCKADES tells of superstitious sentiment in post-soviet Latvia around housing projects and a talent show for psychics. Life at Work: On Monastic Architecture, Rituals and the Construction of Domestic Space deepens questions of togetherness and domestication. What forms of proximity and privacy are meeting our current conditions? A ritual on the banks of a now dried-up river in Italy is the departing point To Site a Source and to reflect on how capitalism and the climate crisis have changed the local environment. Expanding to global debates, in our conversation with D-ARCH Glossary Working Group they elaborate on a conceivable method to find a common ground of language during states of conflict. To foster a culture of debate is learning to speak and to listen. Neo Rural Memories of Gathering shows how the transfiguring romanticisation of village life obscures oral history. Some forms of knowledge are passed on in legends and sagas. Die Sieben Hengste illustrate the influence of personal socialisation on the individual perception of a folktale. Formerly colonialized territory and botanic life is re-dreamed in the fragile 3D-scans of SUNRISE TO SUNRISE (TRICKSTERS). The encounter with philosophy professor Michael Hampe reveals how lore, critique of reason and AI go side by side. Through Large Language Models and Generative Images 1001 IN 1 is RECYCLING STORIES AT LIGHT SPEED and argues how tapping into the plenty of the existing is a way of creation. Each scenography a flower, Yours, Orchid, explores the story of a Taiwanese island, its people and their origin, to ask: What is the meaning of a name? To capture the spiritual essence of an imaginary temple, Hilma af Klint produced nearly two hundred paintings. A Secret Growing reflects on her ever-evolving translations from thought to form, and back. Artificial Sun e to explore metaphysics behind the Tokamak reactor.The Tale of Saint Barbara, and How She Suffered for Her DesignGiovanna Borasilinks mystification to scientific research. It extends past the technical objective of the machine to explore metaphysics behind the Tokamak reactor. The Tale of Saint Barbara, and How She Suffered for Her Design retells a formerly instrumentalized myth about the martyr, to reconsider her in light of current feminist debates. Giovanna Borasi, director of the CCA, picks up right there and speaks about shifting realities, oral history and living archives. Back in Italy, The Recoaro Mask is lifting the facade of a church in a small village. Beneath a narrative of reconstruction lie economic prospects, clerical ambitions and the struggle to overcome the previous fascist regime. From where we stand today, among venomed ideologies, You Aim for My Eyes, but You Forgot That the Heart Is Where All the Action Is. takes a closer look at anthroposophical architecture. The phantom of La Maison is captured in a fragmentary architectural archive. It raises questions about collective memory and public functions in the neighbourhood. Lore as Ideological Landscape conceives the use of fiction as a method in Rem Koolhaas’ understanding of a building and its context. sub speak about their practice, materiality drenched in symbols, and idealism in dystopia. L‘Histoire de l‘amour mort. The interplay of Eros and Thanatos is exemplary for rituals of gathering and confrontation and calls for the frivolous and futile to link myth and public space. In a post-truth world, The Interview discusses lore as a tool. Finally, Leaving Mythologies claims that Everyone Is the Best Publication. They criticise generic streams of aesthetics and cherish atypical perceptions.
Caspar Bultmann, Philipp Burwinkel, Lida Freudenreich, Majella Hauri
Giorgio Azzariti, Valentin Bansac, Adil Bokhari, Giovanna Borasi, D-ARCH Glossary Working Group, Natalie Donat-Cattin, everyone is into weird stuff, Samuel Fuchs, Lucia Salomé Gränicher, Michael Hampe, Emma Kaufmann LaDuc, Camille Lot, Nikos Magouliotis, Mariapaola Michelotto, Agostino Nickl, Vanessa Amoah Opoku, Irini Peraki, Anh Phuong, Larissa Platz, Julien Rey, Miro Roman, Felix Röttger, Aparupa Saha, Josef Schneble, sub, Paula Veidenbauma, Jeremy Waterfield, 00Island
Caspar Bultmann, Philipp Burwinkel, Lida Freudenreich, Majella Hauri
Table of content
Euromonster blockades
Life at work : on monastic architecture, rituals and the construction of domestic space
To site a source
A conversation with D-ARCH glossary working group
Neo rural memories of gathering
Die Sieben Hengste
Sunrise to sunrise (tricksters)
Ein Gespräch mit Michael Hampe
1001 in 1 : recycling stories at light speed
Yours, orchid
The secret growing
Artificial sun
The tale of Saint Barbara, and how she suffered for her design
A conversation with Giovanna Borasi
The Recoaro mask
You aim for my eyes, but you forgot that the heart is where all the action is
La maison
Lore as ideological landscape
A conversation with sub
L'histoire de l'amour mort
The interview
Leaving mythologies : everyone is the best publication