So what about reality?

At the turn of the millennium, transReal was published. The back cover read: «The term <reality> is becoming ever blurrier [...] is there a critical potential for architects to focus on everyday life in order to escape the boundlessness of today's world full of simulations, or should one focus on the infinite possibilities of this new world?»

Well, a lot has happened in the last 18 years and we now feel the urge to tackle this subject once again, as reality appears ever blurrier.

Today, the idea of automatising architectural design no longer appears impossible. Many architecture schools are being restructured in order to better respond to current market forces. Digitalisation is pushed and developed from profitability. The everyday is now interlaced with a new world of simulation, and the possibility of untangling this complexity seems futile. Similarly, fiction and non-fiction blend into an unintelligible mass, where the result is an entirely new product.

Our current reality is no longer determined merely by philosophical or phenomenological definitions, but has the ability to shapeshift and evolve. The protective bubble of the architecture school must be pierced, and we must remove this veil of abstraction that envelops us. It is our duty as students to be aware of our surroundings, and to understand  the tools of today's realities, so that we can not only apply them, but also critically question them. If we are able to increase our awareness in the now, we may be able to reflect on our future with more care. It might lead us to open our eyes and think about completely different possibilities in architecture.

Published in September 2018


François Charbonnet (MADE IN), Noé Lafranchi, Théa Giglio, Galaad Van Daele, Nitin Bathla, Kersten Geers (OFFICE kgdvs), Giulia Scotto & Marco Zelli, V. Frangez, J. de la Fontaine, L. L. Stähelin, Joshua Jésus Andres, Michel Kessler, Jonathan Banz, Sebastian Bietenhader, Aleksandr Delev, Maximilian David Fritz Arno Brandlhuber, Olaf Grawert, Leo Fabrizio, Marija Marie, Alexander Poulikakos, Studio Enact, Philip Ursprung, Matthias Standfest (Archilyse), Sandi Hilal (DAAR), Nikos Magouliotis, Sara Barth & Natalia Wespi,  Saida Brückner, Simona Ferrari, Laura Bruder, Alexander Brodsky

Editorial Team

Julius Henkel, Anna Maclver-Ek, Sara Sherif, Selina Sigg

Table of content

A conversation with Arno Brandlhuber & Olaf Grawert


In defense of the poor text

Resurrecting Babylon : Bahrain's globalized urban delirium


Printed matter

A conversation with Matthias Standfest (Archilyse)

Die grenzenlose Raumdurchdringung

Anmerkung zu Numeric Chronozone (a probability of decay)

Die Schlachtfelder des unbekannten Spielers : ein Gespräch über eine gegenwärtige Realität

New eyes - New views

Ryoji Ikeda und die Realität der Infosphäre

A conversation with François Charbonnet (Made in)

Fiction & Science

Collateral study

Holding images

Zomias of reality

A conversation with Kersten Geers (Office KGDVS)


A conversation with Sandi Hilal (DAAR)

Parallel realities of modernism : from Stuttgart to Larissa

Was wäre, wenn... (Alternativen zur gebauten Stadt)

Begegnung mit der Wirklichkeit

Inhabiting pictures : on Luisa Lambri's artistic practice

Am Rande der Ordnung der Dinge

A conversation with Alexander Brodsky