Do you feel heard?
We try to put our thoughts into words to describe what we feel or what we believe in. We communicate with our bodies and speak through our actions. But silence is a language, too. In silence, complex relationships unfold and allow unspoken realities to emerge. In every absence lies a presence, in every pause a possibility.
Two people on a first date, lost for words.
The intimacy between lovers.
A blank page full of deleted text.
Mortality lying between two heartbeats.
Silence can offer respite while suffocating you at the same time. A silent room full of people can be louder than 130 decibels pounding on your eardrums. Thoughts can be thundering without making any sound. Sometimes you have to break the silence and resist.
This issue of trans magazin does not want to be silent but it invites you to perceive this concept beyond the absence of sound. A deep breath and a pair of closed eyes can evoke the feeling of infinite solitude. Allow yourself to be lost in a forest and hear your heartbeat, to protest without words or to dive into the bursting vibrations of a rave. Only then will you be able to listen to the echo of silence around you.
Nitin Bathla, Tatjana Bergmeister, Matthias Brücke, Ziu Bruckmann, Philippe Buchs, Echoless, Lida Freudenreich, Samuel Fuchs, Joshua Guiness, Stefan Hägele, Angelika Hildebrand, Michael Hoi Ming Du, Anton Krebs, Zofia Krupa, Marie-Anne Lerjen, Hamish Lonergan, Ramin Mosayebi, Yosuke Nakamoto, João Paupério, Alexander Poulikakos, Niloofar Rasooli, Maria Rebelo, Dafni Retzepi, Johanna Roth, Emmanuel Álvarez Sánchez, Seminar «Architektur und Fotografie», Michel Zalis
Philipp Burwinkel, Carolina Catarino Gomes, Majella Hauri, Zoé Rüttimann
Table of content
Will you please be quiet, please? : Japan's Kankyō Ongaku and the Bubble Economy in the 1980s
The politics of silence
A meander walk in the Tagliamento (Italy) : 22 March 2023, 11:30 to 12:00 am
On haunted landscapes
Connecting the Amazon
Ein Gespräch mit Blanche Biau
Malouf's "world of silence", or queering the undercroft
Werkstatt Wangelen
A conversation with Lütjens Padmanabhan
Forest, heart and dream : a silence journey through symbology
40 um 40
If not to perish in silence, revolt with silence
Keep quiet please
Checking-in : revising the bachelor's curriculum
This is not an academic conversation
Ein Gepräch mit Tanja Reimer
Public loudspeaker
Neu : Samstag geschlossen
Ein Gespräch mit Pool Potentials
We invented some things that make noise but not a single one that creates silence
Were you silent or were you never heard? : Story of refusal
From the desert to the metropolis : a conversation with Jean-Philippe Vassal